well update i would of caught a live rat yesturday but seeing as the stupid man who sold me the squirrel trap said this would still work on rats, was wrong. This is the cage i ordered from him http://authenticpetsupplies.co.uk/images/19000/5006019003f.jpg although it would of worked if i had left the original rat cage trap in the garden. I checked and the bait was all gone without any rat so that squirrel trap is useless and not sensitive. I have this rat trap near my supra and i just ordered two more today im confident if i put those two in my graden which is where they come from in the back alley way i will deffinatly catch them as this rat trap i already have is highly sensitive. Another bad news is i did not know there was a dead one near my supra i gave up on the glue but for someone reason i saw him today dead stuck on the glue