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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. Another conspiracy, some of the NWO researchers who knew the attack was planned for the new world order were killed off.....I guess you know more and by all means talk , I love your views.
  2. Errmmmmm well then you wasted triple that reading this thread .
  3. No I was posting to show you guys that it is not GOD alone that exists .
  4. Well said, I like the logic of this guy, everything from nothing. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=GB#/watch?v=_bGx3UB-Slg
  5. Using the iPad, can you still view it?
  6. Interesting videos: nr8oJqpwZz4 kyLT9hcp0Q0
  7. Mine has an error too, last night I played till 1am.
  8. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2383924,00.asp
  9. It's down for two days lol.
  10. Yes, do you believe Jesus?
  11. Ok thanks, are they hard to setup and install?
  12. Wicked, which one would you recommend and are they hard to install?
  13. There's so many kits, it's doing my head in......
  14. Anyone bought, or has any outdoor CCTV kit fitted at their home? I'm looking to get one for my front drive, but iv been quoted 2 camera kit for 600 cheapest and they install. Anybody bought one before and fitted it themselves or which kit do you have?
  15. I don't think he's lost the plot, science has no evidence or proof to explain what happend before the big bang. Regardless of evolution I still beleive there is a super natural force behind all of us. I'm enjoying this thread TBH it is good to see everyones views without going pyscho .
  16. I was not talking about religion though and I can't be bothered to type and explain my reasons off change, before you ask it is not the people around me. I was not forced into finding my belief in God, it was my own reasoning, even my parents etc don't believe...... Anyways I need to get ready for work , let's talk about the original topic.
  17. Many people here would think the answer to that question is yes. If God cared, the world would be a very different place? Like I said look around and see a world full of war, hatred, and misery. And as individuals, we get sick, we suffer, we lose loved ones when they die. Like you, many say if God did care about us, would he not prevent such things from happening? Granted he does allow bad things to happen. But there is a big difference between allowing something to happen and causing it. Example your a caring father too your kids, if your kids became rebellious and decided to leave home, you decided not to stop them. Your kids pursue a bad way of life and get into trouble, would you be the cause of the problems? Considering you are a caring person?No. Similar God has not stopped humans when they have chosen to pursue bad course, but he is not the cause of the problems. People can call me insane for believing but call yourself insane because a month ago I was a fool like most not believing .^ Now back on the original topic, I can go on no harm to me, it's only going to annoy most of you if I go on about God, by all means I'm free to carry on debating on a fresh thread ?
  18. Easy lol, you mean the devil see you mention GOD, I bet people blame GOD for the suffering, well blame the devil he provides oil to the wicked. God gave oil to everyone in this world, the devil worshipers have decided to steal and twist the entire world aswell as steel the oil. Think I'm a fool well think of yourself as one, because I was a non beleiver most my family members are non beleivers in GOD and still are, what made me change iv had a wake up call .
  19. http://m.youtube.com/index?desktop_uri=%2F&gl=GB#/watch?v=nvRI1VnQAEc
  20. That's too cheap if they on bride frames! I never knew you were giving the seats aswell.
  21. I see alot of people lost faith in Jesus hmmmmm well all I can say iv read enough to beleive in the LORD and be a much better peacefull person. There's too much crap going on in this world if only everyone beleived would the world be a peacefull place. I used to be a fool and think ingnorant like some, iv found a better path way now and that's being more peacefull and helping others .
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