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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?60398-Got-my-baby-back
  2. Can't go wrong with ridox I have do luck Check mt garage, they are similar to ridox.
  3. I just binned the cover, personally the eBay one for 60 pounds was just as good but better as it was xxl so I could cover the whole wheels aswell at the time.
  4. Chris I still think the carcoon is the best investment cover I have ever bought, ask Ed he also bought one . Not only has it kept my car clean, it has also kept the rats away.
  5. Buy a cheap xxl cover of eBay and strap that over the stormforce, make holes on that cover near the wheels then run a string or shoe lace through the holes onto your wheels. To stop the front from lifting you will need to make holes on the front of the cover and run a long string to your wheels, just tie tight job done.
  6. Couple weeks back mine made this same noise, lee found a split in one off my bov pipes, hopefully fingers crossed it should be all ok as my turbos are fine.
  7. My stormforce got ruined even when being strapped, on a very windy/rainy day I found the cover half way down the road early morning.
  8. That old guy in the glasses on the phone got away lightly after swearing at the cop.....
  9. This is around the corner from me, i beleive if im correct it is near nestle avenue?
  10. It's the fumes that would get to me if i was a kid not the kart so much, last month I did the daytona track in Milton Keynes, was awesome but the fumes were too much.
  11. It is trd with an extra 4" wider.
  12. It has been blending I can confirm it is trd as I did read about this car long while back.
  13. I can not find the thread but I remember seeing this car as it was a complete trd wide body with stock spoiler and do luck front.
  14. It is not Ken hendersons car, that car is on the us forum, look at the rear arches and skirts they are trd wide body.
  15. I had same one on my head other night whilst sleeping, iv seen three in the house, they are massive. Anyone know if they bite?
  16. jazz1

    Hi People!!

    Hi welcome, nice supra.
  17. I think you will not stand much of a chance regardless of having Lexus service the vehicle, once tuned/modified the car becomes your problem. Now you stated about him disabling methanol and he insisted not, personally you should have walked away with you car knowing the consequence. It will be Harding proving it is the company as you payed them for the runs and I'm sure they will have a policy in place that you are fully reliable for damages at your own risk. I wish you luck, if you can provide evidence and I mean strong evidence it is the company at fault then take it further, otherwise count your loss and get a cheap engine.
  18. jazz1


    My consultant at first said do not touch probiotics but when they found toxins of c diff they then told me to take probiotics and the medication.
  19. jazz1


    I did try that no luck.
  20. jazz1


    I understand but there have been over 300 studies and trials on this probiotic, it's voted worlds number one and not many people know about s boulardii. Anyways I hope it can help anyone who suffers bowel problems, worth a try .
  21. jazz1


    Well if you get diarrhoea use this .
  22. jazz1


    Lol don't like, don't read, block me, simples .
  23. jazz1


    Exactly, someone on here might be suffering so I'm just passing what might help others .
  24. jazz1


    I have they diagnosed me with ulcerative colitis, but there's no way in hell I'm taking 20 tablets a day for the rest of my life. It all started last year when I had food poisoning at work and they found c diff, problem is c diff causes all these diseases through the toxins hence why I was so bad in hospital and nearly died. I discovered these probiotics through loads of people suffering relapses of c diff and since finding these I only take 16 once a year and they work so wicked they cure the pain and diarrhoea. When I get stressed I guess my good bacteria dies and hence the c diff spores become active, it's hard to kill of c diff as it stays dormant in your stomach. Problem is the doctors got confused as they diagnosed me with ulcerative colitis but then they discovered c diff there views changed as to what could it be the colitis or c diff causing the colitis.
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