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Everything posted by jazz1

  1. It used to be silver, had super wide deep dish wheels on before, I assume it's been used hell of a lot, maybe 1993 if I can remember.
  2. jazz1

    Not impressed

    I second the bloke part .
  3. jazz1

    Not impressed

    Is it bird stuff?
  4. Lol, I'd go bankrupt with him.....
  5. I'm sure this car used to be silver, also before had super wide deep dish wheels.
  6. You will be wasting money, side view will look odd, do not waste your time, have you been drinking tonight lol?
  7. He been chopping my car lol haha, honestly nope it will not look right.
  8. You suck at not posting enough pictures, love the car.
  9. I know and I saw loads on gumtree going for 120.
  10. Look on gumtree, I recently bought a iPhone 3G 16gb for 90 pounds mint condition everything included.
  11. It's only good for when you are in bed and want to use the Internet, otherwise waste of money.
  12. Welcome, lol ermmmm iv stepped up the game . http://www.mkivsupra.net/vbb/showthread.php?253081-My-girlfriend-took-pictures
  13. [YouTube]Sr5lY0TcdAw[/YouTube]
  14. I got my new replacement can say fitment is much much better, just need to get it fitted .
  15. Use high dose of L lysine it works on all shingles I just researched for you . http://www.earthclinic.com/CURES/shingles.html
  16. Lol, my bad company changing to heathrow.
  17. I just got a nice 5.2% pay rise plus a bonus next month, Baa always do well even in recession.
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