This is plastered all over the news atm lol..
This sort of thing makes me laugh... Its international waters guys.... its fine.
Guess what their bombers also fly past the UK in International Airspace... for goodness sake, is this what UK media and reporting has really come to.. they are only escorted by the UK Navy etc so they don't cross into UK waters/airspace its something that happens all the time... I mean REALLY??
I hate the news, media and all that BS... its all lies and nonsense its just to keep the public in a state of control so when the USA or whoever decides to start WW3 with Russia the public will accept it.
Nonsense the lot if it. Utter.... S***
I have never wanted to leave this earth so badly.. all it is is just a bunch of nonsense, everything is...its run by power hungry twats and reported on by liers, swindlers and general idiots.