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Everything posted by ManwithSupra

  1. Started building the ATL container cage today, didn't get much done but its a start https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/1549540_587987281275919_974113264_n.jpg https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t1/1655829_587987797942534_577943274_n.jpg
  2. Make sure your suspension is in good order. Check your brake lines, pads and discs for wear perhaps think about upgrading your pads if they are stock items. Check your tyres have plenty of tread and the pressures are good Check for oil and fluid leaks, If you are planning to service the car do so just before you go, new oil, brake fluid will help a lot. Take some basic tools, cable ties, gaffa tape, workshop towel etc. When on track make sure you always have more than qtr of a tank so you don't get fuel surge (unless you already have a swirl pot) Dont go mad straight away do a few laps at 60-70% of your limit this will allow you to adjust to driving on track.
  3. Yeah lol it does, it will be sat down in the recess where the old tank was though and it will be covered by firewall as well so you wont get to see it much. I am astounded by the quality to be honest (well it should be good for the price lol) I am happy knowing though that in a crash I am not going to burst into flames. ATL do custom stuff but it is expensive, they dont just do motorsport and fuel but a whole host of different applications.
  4. Cheers dude, should be a lot safer now in the event of a accident. Will update with pics of the installation.
  5. ATL Kit arrived today Woooooo https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/79394850/IMAG0110.jpg Here pictured, is the ATl fuel collector/scavanger (a kind of internal swirl pot) where the two Walbro fuel pumps will fit in, the Aluminum ATL Fuel cell container, the ATL fuel cell (in the container) a new Sytec Bosch 044 billit aluminum fuel pump holder an additional AN return fitting, new walbro filters, a ATL fuel level sender (it can be cut down to size) and the various fixings and gaskets etc.
  6. lol fair enough dude will try and cheers. Old tank has no plans as yet. Why you interested?
  7. Another Quick update, In order to make the car safer (decrease the risk of a fire) I have decided to remove the single skin aluminum tank that Ryan had made and replace with a new fully FIA approved ATL fuel cell. I have gone for the 40ltr Saver Cell with internal twin pump collector and the official ATL Fuel cell container. I am going to install the two Walbro 255 pumps in the internal collector and have the Bosch 044 as the main push pump for the rail. So far I have removed the tank as I am just waiting for these parts to arrive from ATL. Here is the Old tank and fuel setup https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/t1/995050_580945861980061_507707388_n.jpg Pumps and Fuel lines removed https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/1512654_580945901980057_1370633978_n.jpg Ready for Fuel cell cage to be welded in. https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1484231_580945995313381_1757671185_n.jpg Old Tank https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/1512625_580946015313379_2069640210_n.jpg Don't forget to subscribe to the Facebook page if you wish to have more updates. I will as always try and update this thread as much as I can but the lack of time these days sees me less on here
  8. Was bored last night so decided to make a montage video of the original build pics. Sorry about the music, its one of YouTube's...
  9. A collection of cars for an "actual" petrolhead, got some legendary cars in there. The E30 M3 and The M1 are awesome additions. Nice to see they all look like they have been used too, I cant stand people who buy cars just to keep them indoors and never drive them.
  10. That is a GT86 with a Bodykit..That is not the new Supra. It was only recently announced (around 6 months ago) that Toyota will be using the Supra brand again but there are no expectations of design or specs until at least 2015.
  11. Is your steering wheel central or have you made one wheel flush to the bodywork by turning the wheel? If you have then its Just the Toe out on the Geo. Both wheels will have a little amount of toe out (or toe in depending on setup) therefore if you make one wheel straight to the bodywork the other will appear vastly out in relation to the bodywork and of course the other wheel. If the steering wheel is central then get it over to a Geo place as at some point as the toe out on that side has been either adjusted wrong or its hit a kerb and now needs adjusting. When adjusting it they will make sure your steering wheel is central and then will adjust the Toe so its close to even both sides. The rubbing will be down to the fact of the wheel offset and Tyre profile choice as already mentioned.
  12. I am sure a local member will be more than happy to take you out for a spin
  13. I think there are a quite a few that use them as daily drivers - I am sure they will be along shortly
  14. Welcome to the club It's so nice that you don't "txt type" as well. It wont be long until you are in one I am sure Here's mine. https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/563039_522227847851863_74645322_n.jpg
  15. For the road you don't really need anything more than UK spec brakes, hell even Jspecs with descent pads and fluid and you will be ok. I use 8 pot Ksports on my track car (8 pot on the fronts and 4 pot on the rear) mainly because I had them lying about from my other Supra and decided to pop them on to see how the performed when I was breaking the old car rather than sell them on. I have nothing bad to say about them to be honest, as long as you have descent pads, fluid and tyres then there isn't much in it IMO. I would say the performance is the same as the UK's (I used to have UK's) but you get a better initial feel from a BBK over the UK's brakes which tbh I found to be pretty Numb even on a non servo assisted system like I have. One of the main advantages to me was the unsprung weight saving over the UK's, but that wont apply to you. I am not sure why Ksport get such a bad wrap on here, I do think there is a little bit of "brand" snobbery in there somewhere... yes they are budget and yes they are made in China but they are fit for purpose. The alloys used are of the same grade as some of the bigger brands and to be honest are probably made using the same or similar patterns/machinery as they use in the more expensive EU based factories. Put it this way if I thought that the Ksports were made of Ham and cheese then there is no way I would have risked using them on my track car heading into tight bends with hardly no runoff at 150mph+. I will be looking though to change my BBK soon and will be going with the Whifbitz AP racing setup that they used on their Race Supra's for spares availability reasons but for now the Ksports I feel are more than up to the Job. For you though, UK's will be fine.
  16. Nice one mate, cant wait to see this all done
  17. Just to make sure you have checked the fuse box under the dash and in the engine bay and they are all OK? Some people forget about the one under the dash.
  18. That sounds reasonable, I will have a think if thats OK. I am toying with the idea of using the DTE Systems unit but put off a bit on the price side of things. Is your upgrade a permanent change or can it be reverted back at a later date?
  19. Yep, with the pivot there it makes no difference to the torsional stiffness at all. I have a pivoted strut brace on my car however the only reason why I have not removed yet is because I am using it to mount my Nitron suspension reservoirs onto. Over the winter I will be removing it and re-positioning the reservoirs.
  20. Looks nice, but as others have said it wont make much difference in the handling. You would need a non pivoted, welded and triangulated brace if you want to feel any difference. Looks good though
  21. Didn't see an answer for my query I bought an 2007 Nissan Pathfinder in the end (which is basically the same car) and since then found out from someone else that you cant do these cars. I was a little disappointed you didn't feel the need to tell me that you cant do the car and just ignored my query.
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