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Everything posted by ManwithSupra

  1. Yeah that's an idea, I have asked a few questions, in the regs it does not state too much about the engine position so have asked a few questions about it, just in case TA falls through.
  2. Yeah, it was a bit of a pain, if this new regulation comes in then it will be very unlikely the car will be able to be entered, typical as it was fine last year There are other series the car should be ok in so all hope is not lost. I am still moving forward with the developments though, no point in halting that. He is going to look into it as they still at the point where things can be changed and I will know in 2 weeks when this years regs are released. If they are released and this Reg is passed then I can see what can be done but if there is no room in the regs then it wont look like I will be doing TA :(
  3. Yeah was good to catch up dude and cheers I hope so, was chatting with the Time Attack chief scrutineer later on in the day and we went over a couple of things with the coming regulations. Unfortunately it looks like they are introducing a new regulation with regards to the engine position which could cause me some BIG issues with entry this year. They are going to have a look at it and I will know in a couple of weeks. So fingers and toes crossed.
  4. Yeah its perfect for me, I don't think I will be that competitive though, the opposition has some pretty incredible machinery. For me though I am at a point in life where if I don't do it I never will and for me its the joy of the experience of doing something like this, even if I come dead last I am not going to be too upset (of course if I am not last that's a bonus)
  5. They are all waiting to go on, I had to get the seat position done so the cage can be worked on once the cage is done I am fitting all the carbon.
  6. Right the V160 box will be coming out this month. I will also have a RPS Streetmax Clutch and Segmented Flywheel up for grabs as well.
  7. Wow I have just noticed that June this year will be my 10th year of Supra Ownership :cool: Time flies when you are in a Supra Going to have to have a little 10th Anniversary celebration with the beast.
  8. Lovely red dash panels... thats got to be worth the extra £6k
  9. As above, there is a reason why racing seats have harness holes.
  10. Hi All, As my current clutch config and flywheel will be made redundant very soon. I wanted to know how much I should sell it for 2nd hand. Its RPS Streetmax clutch and a RPS Cyn-R-G Segmented Flywheel. This is a picture of the flywheel (I dont have one of the clutch), The Flywheel looks already used in this image (when Ryan was building the car) but it has not made more than 2k more miles since this. https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc3/v/t1.0-9/578997_386587151415934_1384800136_n.jpg?oh=68e2a6e5778dbf38e0b28e8af353de12&oe=550A85BA&__gda__=1430358350_f88c68f449ee9fe12fcbfbebd606a3a8 It bites well, does not slip I am running 600bhp. Cheers everyone.
  11. Once Quaife have sorted themselves out (and provide the info I actually ask for) I will give you some details on the shaft.
  12. ...and the spring is made of some metal unknown to the world.
  13. Hi All, Does anyone know the input shaft spline count on a R154? I have done a search but I am getting conflicting results. I don't have a R154 to hand but can someone confirm if its 21 or 23 spline?
  14. Ryan confirmed that if I use the Geartronics unit then it will be able to send the signal to the S6 to cut/reduce torque on flat shifting, a conversation with Quaife also confirmed the use of the unit will greatly reduce wear
  15. I reckon its for an engine bay tuck.
  16. I am also thinking of adding the Geartronics Easyshift ECU with the 69G box to aid with reducing dog wear on flat shifts Unless the Syvecs ECU can do this based on a closed loop. http://www.geartronics.co.uk/flatshift.htm
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