Decided to wash the car this morning, using the meguires clay bar kit, all i can say is 4 hours later ... wow !!
I have never seen the car look so shiney and smooth, the car looks like it has just come out of the showroom, i would defo recommend this to anyone who wants to give a mirror shine to their supe.
Its amazing how rough your paintwork is before you use this system and when you first apply the clay bar with the spray lubricant they give you it feels like there sand or grit under the bar and on the paintwork even after a full wash and chamois !!
A few rubs on the clay bar then all of a sudden it starts to glide on the paint then when the whole panel is smooth you then wipe the lubricant off, then stand back and be amazed.
People walking past will think your weird cos you keep stroking your paintwork with a big smile, then add the cleaner wax to the panel and then it reflects everything around it, i will get some pics and post them up !!
Anyway like i said i really recommend this to anyone !!!!
Pics now added - not very good ones but you get the idea