......pictures from my visit to this years Tokyo Auto Salon !
359 pics in total (not all cars though!), so thumbnails might take a few secs to download.
Simply click on the thubmnail to open a window with a larger version.
Some pics of King Buyers premises on there. Might surprise one or two ! Place looks sligthly less glamourous than their website I can tell ya.
When I go abroad, the camera is always ready to take some snaps on the unsuspecting local yocal. I like to capture a wide variety of images, from the usual brochure type shots to the back street style ones, which the brochures dont show (!) I aint no photographer, just like to play around with gadgets. Images taken either with mobile phone camera or Nikon D1X.
Got my exposure fooked on one or two images , but though I might as well include them. Pretty much most of the images where shot without flash (hence the grain on some) as I had to whack the ISO to 3200+ just to get a half decent exposure times and avoid handshake blur.
I havnt got much spare time to go through and include all the shots that Ive ever took of Japan (probably got about 2000 in total). Hope this small selection gives those people who have never visited (or maybe even thinking about visiting) a good insight as to what the surroundings are like out there (the karoake and booze up photos around Roponggi havn't and won't ever get added to the page! )
Enjoy !
ps. I write this, some of the larger images are still uploading, by about 7.30pm GMT, all images should have uploaded