2020 Calendar - Call for Entries - 99.9% full now!
Yes, it's happening again!
Between Blythmark and myself (thanks Mark for stepping up again too) you'll be able to place orders for your 2020 Forum Calendar very soon.
However, we need content, good content. Same rules as last time apply - this is about showcasing the diversity and passion we have for the Supra and then lobbing a load of luscious pics in a calendar. There will be no bias towards 2000bhp builds, 'stock' cars or mates' cars - this is about ALL Supras of all colours, power and state - even NAs! Last year I managed to feature everybody who sent a pic in and would like to do the same again this year.
So if you have a pic (or pics) of your car that you'd like to be considered for inclusion this is what you have to consider:
Quality and resolution - last year quite a few pics were dismissed because they were too small (resolution) and just not quite good enough in terms of quality of pic (Google Jazz1 car pics for examples!). This was sad as some of the cars that were excluded because of this were great cars - don't fall into that trap.
So if you submit entries make sure they are:
1. Of a high resolution (300dpi and physcially large in terms of size) if possible - in this case size does matter
2. Of a decent quality - this is not subjective, this is blatantly obvious!
3. Email them, don't post them on here
4. If you have a specific month you'd like the car to feature in (your birthday perhaps, an anniversary or a special memory of a friend etc) then let me know on the email, not on here. I'll endeavour to do all I can to make it happen as long as 1 and 2 above have been adhered to and there's space etc - can't make promises but I'll do my best
Email me your pics (or WeTransfer, MailBigFile etc if they're mahoosive) to:
[email protected]