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Everything posted by dilocruzy

  1. I went go to http://www.micheldever.co.uk/ top service and amazing good prices on F1's. I tried some of the others mentioned here at the time i was changing mine but they still hooked me up with the best deal. Dan
  2. dilocruzy

    Mexico City

    Im originally from São Paulo in Brazil, not a great place to visit though... But Rio on the other hand... http://www.bigfoto.com/sites/galery/riodejan/rio_de_janeiro_05x.jpg
  3. Dumb query mate, is it second from the engine? as in the long one? Thanks, Dan
  4. Heheee happy days then! Hope they wont test for exaust noise then!
  5. As there is no retest fee, ill try and put it through with the double d-cats... well see what happens. Any tips? Dan
  6. The new toyota motto is Today Tomorrow Toyota, how about somth with 3 T's on.. im sure we can all think of something with a double TT on! Unrelated but this bumper sticker made me laugh- "if you can read this, YOU ARE TOO CLOSE!" In a soop it should probably read- "if you can read this, RESPECT" Mini´s have a cool one- "smile, you've just been coopered!" Should we nick that? "you've just been sooped"
  7. Hi Chris, Tryed spraying the belt away from the PS pulley and no results, then Topped the resevoir up with the Dexron III as suggested by pannel members, the squeeking seems to have disapeared for now... I hope thats a fix!!! Otherwise would be great to know how those refurbed pumps are shapping up. Dan
  8. If it wasent so bloody cold I would go out and try it now! LOL, ill try that first thing. If it doent help tho, how much you recon am i looking at for a new pump ( or bearing jobby) and labout at T´s?
  9. Hi Chris, Had it changed 6K miles ago, and the noise goes away when i spray some wd40 behind the pulley (ie not the belt itself) so not looking good... Keep me posted on the pumps bud, Thanks!
  10. Result!!! Reason is, I got a bad squeek form the ps pulley, it went away momentarily with some wd40, but comes back on. The level is half way down the stick under the "cold" mark could that be the reason for the squeek? ill top it up tom, see how it goes and hope not to phone mr.T for a new pump.. dammm! Dan
  11. Hi there, I know very dense... The power steering level stick has "hot" and "cold" marks on oppsosite sides with two grooves in the midle, where do we take a reading from? Thanks, Dan
  12. Soz if its a repost! http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6525834989014245319&q=discovery+channel
  13. How about Pelé??? surely he is the king... Myself beeing brazilian may induce some bias though... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=15723128746091112&q=pele
  14. I see you have the blue fonts, do you also have blue LED's lighting them up? any pics of it at night? many thanks, Dan
  15. I live in Portsmouth, usually go there on weekends, and I have a 93 red j-spec so it could be me too! And yes, gotta love the 99 Ron stuff, specially when its so close to home!
  16. Waved you bye, getting some of that 99 vavavoom stuff.
  17. 1. suprasport 2. stealthhosts 3. iainc 4. kaorifan 5. Alex (seeing as my car is in it I really should have a copy!) 6. Raymanuk 7. Christian 8. Dilocruzy
  18. Golf ball under the passenger seat (stuck between the oem amp and cables)... Where did he put the bag???
  19. Would love to see some pics mate, are you going blue as well?
  20. Isnt it anoying when some customer service geek asks you if your computer is pluged on to the mains when you have a computer problem? well, its even more anoying to them when the computer wasent! Mate you are a star! wish all my soop´s problems could be sorted with pluging something in!
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